Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Frozen Chocolate Peanut Butter Bananas


3-4 bananas
1/2 cup dark chocolate 
1/2 cup milk chocolate
1 cup peanut butter
4 tablespoons butter
Optional Toppings: peanut pieces, sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, shredded coconut

Unusual Tools

popsicle sticks or skewers
parchment paper
double boiler


1. Fill the bottom pot of the double boiler with water and set it to boil. Set the other pot or bowl on top of the water pot and use it as a lid. Make sure no water can get into the top pot or bowl.
2. Cut bananas in half and skewer them with the popsicle sticks or skewers. Place on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. Put them in the freezer.
3. If you are using candy bars for the chocolate, chop them up. If you are using chocolate melts or chips, there is no need to chop them. 
4. Put the butter into the top pot or bowl to melt. Add the chocolate and stir as it begins to melt.
5. Add the peanut butter to the chocolate. Continue to stir as it melts.
6. Remove bananas from the freezer and dip them in the chocolate mix to coat. 
7. If desired, roll coated bananas in peanuts, sprinkles, chocolate chips, or coconut. 
8. Return bananas to the parchment paper. Once you've coated all the bananas, put them back in the freezer.
9. Allow bananas to freeze for at least 30 minutes. Store extras in the freezer and eat them cold!


1. If you don't have a double boiler, there are two easy alternatives: use two pots or a pot and a metal bowl. If you use two pots, makes sure that one either fits securely on top of the lower pot on its own or that you can hold it up in the other pot so that no water gets into the chocolate (or it will seize). If you use a pot and a bowl, make sure you use a metal bowl that sits securely on the pot.
2. Leave out the peanut butter for a non-nut version.

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